How to awaken our inner potential? Magic of Symbols

Why is it essential for us to learn the language of symbols today? Because it is the language of our soul. Ancient schools of philosophy recognised that human beings connect with and perceive the world in two fundamental ways. One is through our intellect (Logos), which allows us to comprehend the surrounding world. The other is through the language of symbols (Mythos), which enables us to envision future possibilities and understand our potential. This symbolic understanding shapes our vision of the world, humanity, and ourselves. 

Renowned thinkers like C.G. Jung dedicated their work to this intrinsic human need to become whole individuals. This talk will explore how a symbolic perspective on life can teach us about being, becoming, and living a more meaningful life.

“Life is a battleground. It always has been, and always will be; and if it were not so, existence would come to an end.” – C.G. Jung “Man & His Symbols”

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